Truck by Byron Barton
About the Author
Byron Barton is the creator of many picture books for young children, including My Car, Building a House, and Little Red Hen.
"Simple books describing four distinct modes of transportation. In each volume, different types of each vehicle are presented (rowboats, tugboats, fireboats, etc.) as well as some of the usual scenes surrounding each (e.g., workers checking a passenger plane). Brightly colored illustrations outlined in heavy black convey a bold and simple first impression, yet they portray a good number of accurate details that preschoolers find so fascinating. The people shown are Barton's charming generic representations, differentiated largely by clothing, skin and hair color. The repetitive nature of the minimal text is choppy and results in some monotony, but such constructions do make the series valuable for beginning readers. Visual stand-outs in any toddler, preschool, or beginning reader collection." Linda Wicher, Lincolnwood Public Library, Ill.
ISBN: 9780694011643
Writer: Byron Barton
Page: 32 pages
Size: 15cm x 12.6cm
Publisher: HarperFestival
Age range: 0 - 4 years old